George Gabriel Luta, a creative technologist, based in Amsterdam. I am an extroverted person with the right balance of humour, energy and a positive vibe. Always curious and ready for action and with an open mind, I enjoy human interactions and I like to cherish every moment of this journey called life. I have a bachelor’s in computer engineering and electronics but I am a selft taught developer with a deep passion for technology and aesthetics.

Consider myself a digital alchemist as most of the things I experiment with are a blend of tools and technologies that end up creating something new and unexpected.

I chose this illustration because it represents me the best way. I am a living Venn diagram that intersects creativity, technology and communication. There is of course a lot more to it, but professionally speaking, this is where I thrive.

Ideas around me as I like taking inspiration from my surroundings, regardless where I am. So either if I am walking through a museum, a simple stroll on an alley with street art or simply swiping my way down on Pinterest, I always find a way to get inspiration out of the most unexpected things. The more unplanned, the higher the energy to do something with it.

Adapt at any environemnt, as this is my greatest skill. But if it comes to preferences, on a personal level I like to consume some of the energy leftovers outside the house. Either if it’s for cycling, running or long walks, you can always count on me to join any outdoors activity, but I won’t shy out of indoors ones also. Take a look!